An article one morning on CNN arrested my attention. An 11-year-old boy, a victim of bullying, hung himself in his bedroom. As my heart broke for the family of that young boy, and as I struggled to say a prayer for this family, one word rang in my spirit. CREATED. Did he know that? Did his school teach him that he was created by a Divine Creator for a divine purpose? Probably not.
I recently finished a biology course and there was one central theme that had been stressed and stressed and stressed again. I am not created by divine design. I am indeed a product of green algae. Yes, my great, great...great granddaddy was pond scum. What a great heritage, don't you think? Righteous anger would well up from inside of me. At the top of my lecture notes I would write, "In the beginning, God..." I never wanted to forget even for a moment that I was here by divine design, that the Creator of the universe breathed life into me.
If I did not realize that my professors were teaching the opposite of truth, I would not place much value on my life. I would equate my very existence with pond scum. Not worth much. Not destined for greatness. No divine purpose. Just an accident. A few amino acids and carbohydrates that accidentally ran into each other one day. Actually, according to Dr. Scott, the most derived and successful species are arthropods. So not only am I product of pond scum, I am also less valuable than a grasshopper.
I am convinced there would be less suicide, less depression, less anger, less pain inflicted upon humanity if we were never taught biology in school. Then when those tough days show up on our doorstep, we would know who we really are. We would know who our Daddy is. We would walk with our heads held high, in confidence, and smile at the future.
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27 [NIV]
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