I am standing before what seems to be a large painting. It is still sitting on the easel. My nose is almost touching the center of the canvas. Oops! Got some orange paint on my nose! From this perspective, you know what? It ain't makin' much sense! The colours are all a blur, the images skewed, it makes my head spin. I've heard of the author. He's the best, actually. I can't imagine he would make something that wasn't absolutely beautiful. It just doesn't sound like anything I've heard about this artist. But for some reason my feet are stuck to the floor and I am having a hard time changing my vantage point. It's frustrating because I am experiencing a bit of difficulty appreciating the beauty of the masterpiece before me.
Ah, who is this standing behind me? None other than the artist himself. I thought He would look different. I don't know, it just seems that He doesn't fit the box I put Him in. He is still holding a wet paintbrush and a pallet with many colours. Now He has the perfect view. He can see the picture for what it really looks like, for what it is meant to be and the story it is intended to tell. He has a much better viewpoint, a different perspective. Yet He is still close enough to fix any flaws and make any necessary changes.
Sometimes I think we are too close to the details of our lives simply because we walk in the middle of our lives. To us it might look like a mess, a disaster, even. Creator God is standing behind us with the brush. And this Artist loves to talk about His masterpiece and explain its intricate , purposeful design to the one who is standing close enough to listen.